Maps to the stars is twisted, creepy, brilliant. I fucking loved it. In tradition of Dead Ringers...
— Sasha Stone (@AwardsDaily) May 18, 2014
Life as an endless series of remakes: Cronenberg's MAPS TO THE STARS is a wickedly smart Hollywood satire with a serrated edge. #cannes
— Scott Foundas (@foundasonfilm) May 18, 2014
Life as an endless series of remakes: Cronenberg's MAPS TO THE STARS is a wickedly smart Hollywood satire with a serrated edge. #cannes
— Scott Foundas (@foundasonfilm) May 18, 2014
MAPS TO THE STARS is a disaster of a script but effective as scattered treatise on fame and insanity. I liked COSMOPOLIS more. #CANNES2014
— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) May 18, 2014
MAPS TO THE STARS: Croney is back, he's fucking back to his days of CRASH! Brilliant satire on Hollywood, and Julianne slays. #Cannes2014
— Ken Adams (@TaybackX) May 18, 2014
Maps to the Stars - such a strange and fucked up thriller comedy. Julianne Moore is a blast. #Cannes2014
— Alexander Dunerfors (@dunerfors) May 18, 2014
Cronenberg is probably one of the few filmmakers who could make an Oscar nominee wipe her ass on camera. #Cannes2014
— Nigel M. Smith (@nigelmfs) May 18, 2014
Well Maps to the Stars is a bit brilliant/insane. #Cannes2014
— Matt Risley (@spliggle) May 18, 2014
#MapsToTheStars Cronenberg turned the golden film prize statue into Chekov's gun
— Ronald Rovers (@RonaldRovers) May 18, 2014
Life as an endless series of remakes: Cronenberg's MAPS TO THE STARS is a wickedly smart Hollywood satire with a serrated edge. #cannes
— Scott Foundas (@foundasonfilm) May 18, 2014
Maps to the Stars: brilliant, biting satire from Cronenberg. Laughed all the way through. Perfect casting. Really dug this one. #Cannes2014
— Simran Hans (@heavier_things) May 18, 2014
Shakespeare a Hollywood. Incesto, tragedia e una feroce critica al mondo dopato del cinema. Bello Maps to the stars di Crononberg
— Alessandra Magliaro (@alemagliaro) May 18, 2014
Cronenberg's MAPS TO THE STARS: entertainingly vicious Tinseltown satire. (So Hollywood is full of deranged egomaniacs. Who knew?)
— Jonathan Romney (@JonathanRomney) May 18, 2014
Stampa applaude Maps to The stars di David Crononberg alla fine della proiezione. È uno dei film più attesi in concorso
— ANSA a Cannes (@ANSA_Cannes) May 18, 2014
Robert Pattinson is also barely in #MapsToTheStars. Has one funny makeup moment though.
— gregoryellwood (@HitFixGregory) May 18, 2014
Who knew we needed Cronenberg doing The Player meets Carrie? Maps to the Stars is hellacious fun.
— Steve Pond (@stevepond) May 18, 2014
Stampa applaude Maps to The stars di David Crononberg alla fine della proiezione. È uno dei film più attesi in concorso
— ANSA a Cannes (@ANSA_Cannes) May 18, 2014
A couple of Pattinson fans have asked, so: he's not in Maps to the Stars that much, but is good when he is. Has two love interests.
— Catherine Bray (@catherinebray) May 18, 2014
If I was in change of the Palme d'Or, I'd give it to Cronenberg. Maps to the Stars review for @Film4 here #cannes2014
— Catherine Bray (@catherinebray) May 18, 2014
"... Jerome is a chauffeur and would be actor winningly played by Robert Pattinson" Review by Telegraph ... On Robs performance. 5/5 stars.
— JustMaria (@lifeloveartfilm) May 18, 2014
Cannes 2014 review: Maps to the Stars - Hollywood dreams turn queasy in David Cronenberg's brilliant nightmare |...
— Culture (@sr_culture) May 18, 2014
Cannes 2014 review: Maps to the Stars - Hollywood dreams turn queasy in David Cronenberg's brilliant nightmare
— knots (@knottily) May 18, 2014
MAPS TO THE STARS: Deliciously fucked-up Hollywood gothic-cum-Greek tragedy. Cronenberg's most entertaining in ages. #cannes
— olilyttelton (@olilyttelton) May 18, 2014
Cronenberg’s Maps to the Stars is a deliciously warped satire of Hollywood’s debauched excesses. A bit mad and a bit brilliant. #Cannes
— Total Film (@totalfilm) May 18, 2014
"Mia Wasikowska and Robert Pattinson are perfectly fine." # quote #MTTS
— Desert Queen (@lurker1510) May 18, 2014
Again, David Cronenberg brings something flawless #Cannes2014. You will be surprised #mapstothestars
— Sophia Bonnet (@SophiaBonnet) May 18, 2014
There's a scene in MAPS TO THE STARS where Robert Pattinson wears Star Trek-ish makeup. just FYI.
— Jordan Hoffman (@jhoffman) May 18, 2014
And now I want to do nothing except see 'Maps to the Stars' #Cannes
— Jacob Cunningham (@CunninghamJH) May 18, 2014
Derrière la satire Hollywoodienne, un superbe film de revenants. "Maps to the stars" = le meilleur Cronenberg depuis "A History of Violence"
— Romain Le Vern (@RomainLeVern) May 18, 2014
Congrats to David C, @martinfkatz and the whole MAPS TO THE STARS team. I laughed, I gasped, I laughed again! #Cannes
— Jesse Wente (@jessewente) May 18, 2014
"Excelente interpretación de Robert Pattinson" #MTTS #Cannes2014
— яιgнт ησω (@JlawPattz1D) May 18, 2014
Loved Maps to the Stars. Deliciously bonkers vision of Hollywood as a mythic village of inbreds.
— Jessica Kiang (@jessicakiang) May 18, 2014
Forgot that tweeting about Robert Pattinson at #Cannes2014 means an explosion of RTs. Hello fans! You are all fun. I admire your enthusiasm.
— Jake Howell (@Jake_Howell) May 18, 2014
In line for Le Cronenberg/Pattinson joint, or MAPS TO THE STARS. Anyone still unsure on Pattinson as a proper actor these days? #Cannes2014
— Jake Howell (@Jake_Howell) May 18, 2014
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